Keybase Financial Group

Vision simple.
Gros rêves.

Vision simple. Gros rêves.

Le fondateur et PDG de Keybase Financial Group, Dax Sukhraj, avait une vision simple en tête lorsqu’il a ouvert ses portes il y a plus de 20 ans.


Aidez les Canadiens à bâtir et à préserver leur patrimoine personnel en les aidant à réaliser leurs rêves et leurs aspirations financières.


L’objectif de Keybase Financial Group est et restera de fournir à ses clients une feuille de route pour les guider vers leur destination financière afin qu’ils puissent vivre leurs rêves et profiter de leur âge d’or grâce à des solutions d’argent pour la vie.

Our vision at Keybase is to enhance the human connection in the true value of independent advice. Every person's life is unique, special and different. Priorities shift, but rarely do dreams. We provide the key to unlock the door towards your financial journey in creating a personal roadmap in building and preserving personal wealth.Dax Sukhraj, President & CEO


Although the world is becoming increasingly digital, we believe that relationships thrive off of human interaction and interacting with real emotions. We envision a world where people continue dealing with people about their finances but leverage the use of technology to enhance their experience. Money is emotional and not driven by logic. To achieve personalized experiences you must embrace the power of “people”.


Our entrepreneurial mindset fuels our innovation and is a catalyst for our continuous growth. Our business model allows us to be agile and nimble, adapting to change both effectively and efficiently.

Independent Leader

We aspire to be the leading independent mutual fund dealer in Canada. With over 30 years of experience in the Canadian marketplace, we have achieved tremendous growth and have big plans for the future. We hope to be the change agents within our industry and pave the way for independent advisors of the future.

Ensemble, donnons vie à votre vision.

Il s’agit de changer des vies.